$50.00 DoorDash | US Region | Fast Delivery

3 months ago

How do I redeem a DoorDash gift card?
1. Create an account or sign in to the DoorDash app or on www.doordash.com
2. Navigate to Account > Credits and Gift Card
3. If you purchased a physical gift card, be sure to scratch off the foil
4. Enter your gift card PIN
How do I view my credit balance?
For mobile users:
1. Tap on Account on the lower right hand side
2. Tap on Account Credits
3, Confirmation: You will be able to see the total amount of DoorDash credits left
For website users:
1. Click on the menu icon (3 stacked lines)
2. Click on Credits and Gift Card
3. Confirmation: You will be able to see the total amount of DoorDash credits left
What if I don’t use it all in one order?
- Any unused gift card credits will apply to your next order by default.
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