Fortnite Season 3: All Battle Pass Skins and More!

Fortnite Season 3: All Battle Pass Skins and More!

Alice ChambersAlice ChambersFortnite | PlayStation | Xbox | PC
20244 minute read

Are you ready for the next season of Fortnite? With Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked, we are going to fight on the Wastelands, with metal, motors, and lots and lots of NITRO. I don't know about you, but I'm really thrilled to become a wasteland warrior this season.

Before we move on, though, have you seen the amazing video they made for this season premiere? Well, take a look below!

And do you know what's even better with all new season? Well, of course it's the Battle Pass and the Battle Pass Skins!! Let's see everything Fortnite has to offer, shall we?

Season 3 Battle Pass Skins

The Machinist - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

The Machinist - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Cobalt Burn Machinist - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Cobalt Burn Machinist - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Rust - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Rust - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Corrosive Rust - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Corrosive Rust - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Peabody - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Peabody - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Slap Peabody - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Slap Peabody - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Ringmaster Scarr - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Ringmaster Scarr - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Ruiner Scarr - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Ruiner Scarr - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

T-60 Power Armor - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

T-60 Power Armor - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Hot Rod T-60 Power Armor - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Hot Rod T-60 Power Armor - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Brite Raider - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Brite Raider - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Pastel Brite Raider - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Pastel Brite Raider - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Megalo Don - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Megalo Don - Fortnite Skin | Source: Epic Games

Get Nitro'd - Fortnite Emote | Source: Epic Games

Get Nitro'd - Fortnite Emote | Source: Epic Games

Unfortunately Magneto's skin is nowhere to be found on the Battle Pass, but Epic Games says you will be able to get it through the Battle Pass Quests, so keep an eye out for it in July!

Chapter 5 Season 3: What More to Expect?

Epic Games is giving us the ability to tune our rides with NITRO and GUNS. What else would you want?

Fortnite Machine Gun Turret | Source: Epic Games

Fortnite Machine Gun Turret | Source: Epic Games

Quoting their official post, we will have access to the following:

  • Machine Gun Turret (roof slot): Have a passenger fire a machine gun while someone else drives!

  • Grenade Launcher Turret (roof slot): Some would call this littering, but the Grenades will get rid of themselves by exploding.

  • Spiked Bumper (front bumper slot): Deal more damage to players and objects on impact.

  • Cow Catcher (front bumper slot): Boost your ramming power and give your car some defensive armor.

  • Bulletproof Tires (tires slot): Tired of tire poppers? Make your tires indestructible!

  • Chonkers Off-Road Tires (tires slot): Make your car more off-road friendly. Especially useful if you’re not driving an SUV!

And the NITRO is not only on your car. Oh noes... IT ALSO GOES INTO YOU. A player "Nitro'd" will have an increase on their movement speed, on their reload speed, will be able to sprint longer, will be IMUNE to fall damage, and, most importantly, will be able to BUST THROUGH BUILDINGS. Isn't that amazing?!

If you think that's not enough, this new season brings the ability to equip SUVs, new weapons (like the crazy Nitro Fists), and, of course, a whole new map.

Should I get the Wrecked Battle Pass?

Fortnite Cow Catcher and Off-Road Tires | Source: Epic Games

Fortnite Cow Catcher and Off-Road Tires | Source: Epic Games

With the Wrecked Battle Pass, you will unlock the skins above and a lot of other rewards, not only for Battle Royale, but for LEGO® Fortnite, Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival!

The Wrecked Battle Pass is going to cost you 950 V-Bucks (and you can earn back up to 1,500 V-Bucks with it activated).

So yes, I'm going to get mine, and I would suggest you to get one for you as well! 

Now that you know what to expect (and hopefully also banged with Metallica's Fuel playing out loud on that amazing trailer), get your Battle Pass ready, start farming for that sweet sweet XP, and try to bump into me in the Wastelands. See you there!

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