เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Feb 2020
Hello! I play Fallout 76 on PS4 and I have some interesting items for sale. I could also provide in-game help.
I’m usually online from 3:00pm-12:00am GMT ( 10am-7pm Eastern Time).
Here’s some Abbreviations used on gameflip item titles:
Vang: Vanguard
Unyield: Unyielding
Bol: Bolestering
OV/OE: Overeater
AP: Action points refresh speed (aka Powered)
Sent: Sentinel
Cav: Cavalier
As/Ass: Assassin
PSA: Powered Sentinel Assassin
AWR: Ammo Weight Reduction
WWR: Weapons Weight Reduction
JWR: Junk Weight Reduction
FDC: Food, Drinks and Chems Weight Reduction
Rad: Radiation resistance
Dis: Disease resistance
PO: Poison resistance
LED: 7% Less Explosive Damage
F/Fur: Furious
TS: Two Shot
V: Vampire
B: Bloodied
Q: Quad
J: Junkie
AA: Anti-Armor
A/Ass: Assassins
E: Explosive
25: Usually refers to 25% less VATS cost, also may refers to as 25% Faster fire rate.
FFR: 25% Faster fire rate.
FR/15FR/15: 15% Faster Reload Speed
50: 50 damage resistance while aiming OR 50% Limp
50c: VATS critical shots do 50% more damage.
15c: VATS critical meter fills 15% faster.
RW/90: 90% Weight Reduction
50V: 50% VATS hit chance
250: 250 damage resistance while reloading
SF: hits has chance generating Stealth Field
FMSWA: Faster movement speed while aiming
SS/FSS: 40% faster swing speed
+1S/+S/S: refers to +1 Strengh (same goes with any other attributes like E: Endurance or A: Agility etc
40/PA : refers to 40% More power attack damage on melees.
L40/LPA: refers to taking 40% less damage while power attacking in melees.