ðStar Trek Online[PS4 NA] Tardigrade
Get the item as described or your money back.
The codes will only work on North American PSN.
Exclusive Cobalt Tardigrade (Non-Combat) pet
Tardigrade Wrangler Title
The Cobalt Tardigrade is a non-combat pet, exclusive to Star Trek Online players on PlayStation 4. Once claimed, it can be granted to all characters on a single account and isnât restricted by faction. Each code for the PlayStation 4 -Exclusive Cobalt Tardigrade also grants players the new title of âTardigrade Wrangler.â
Redeem a PlayStation Store code in the browser
Sign in to PlayStation Store and click on your avatar at the top of the screen.
Select Redeem Codes from the drop-down menu. Enter the code and click Redeem.
The funds or materials will be added to your account.
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