ðPick ANY Held Itemð
Get the item as described or your money back.
ð Pick ANY Held Item| PokÃĐmon Scarlet & Violet ð 100% Legal | Fast Delivery
Delivery is IN GAME
After making the payment, kindly send me a message and let me know the items that you need.
1 purchase is worth 1 item
I will send you a Junk PokÃĐmon holding the item that you requested !!
Once you complete the payment:
1. Access your game and Press X to bring up the main menu.
2. Access to the Poke Portal
3. Press L to connect to the internet (IMPORTANT)
4. Access the Link Trade option
5. Send me a link code when ready
We will reply within 10 to 15 mins | Please make sure you have your Nintendo Switch handy when completing the purchase.
Have a Junk PokÃĐmon ready to trade as you will not receive it back.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Nintendo, Creatures Inc, Nintendo Inc, The PokÃĐmon Company, GAMEFREAK, or any other companies involved. You are paying for the time and effort I spent obtaining the listed PokÃĐmon.
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