Mothman Equinox All 35 Plans Old and New

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Mothman Equinox All 35 Plans Old and New
Plan: Wise Mothman Throne
Plan: Cultist Backpack
Plan: Mothman Cultist Incense (Not tradeable)
Plan: Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman
Plan: Honeycomb Paper Red Mothman
Plan: Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe
Plan: Honeycomb Paper Brown Mothman
Plan: Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman
Plan: Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie
Plan: Fuzzy Mothman Plushie
Plan: Enlightened Lantern
Plan: Sacred Mothman Tome (+5% XP Bonus, does not stack with the event +15% XP bonus)
Plan: Chainsaw Skeptikill Paint
Plan: Cultist Neophyte Robes
Plan: Cultist Eventide Hood
Plan: Cultist Neophyte Hood
Plan: Cultist Adept Robes
Plan: Cultist Incarnate Helmet
Plan: Cultist Enlightened Hood
Plan: Cultist Adept Hood
Plan: Cultist Eventide Robes
Plan: Cultist Enlightened Robes
Plan: Fluttering Moths
Plan: Dried Wildflower Bouquet
Plan: Bone Chill Skull Mask
Plan: Crude Skull Mask
Plan: Hammered Skull Mask
Plan: Moths of West Virginia Display Cabinet
Plan: Taxidermy Virginia Creeper Moth
Plan: Taxidermy Luna Moth
Plan: Taxidermy Io Moth
Plan: Taxidermy American Dagger Moth
Plan: Taxidermy Beautiful Wood Nymph Moth
Plan: Taxidermy Giant Leopard Moth
Plan: Moths of West Virginia Mounting Board
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