BOS resource camp

$49.99 USD
Transferência Coordenada
Transferência Coordenada

1 mês ago

Item do jogo
Fallout 76
Xbox one
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💰 Best builds in the waste land for glitch camps!!!! 💰

⭐️ Super easy transfer 5 mins and a party chat with the an amazing explanation and guarantee on longevity!⭐️

🔥 All 7 weather stations! 🔥

🖼️ All 15 scoreboards and the three new seasons wall art paintings! 🖼️

♥️Massive brother hood of steal theme design with custom atomic shop adds!❤️

⚡️ All crafting station that are available in the game custom chosen from my best atomic shop choices ⚡️

4 allies including: Maul, Leo, Lawson and Yasmine!

This camp has duplicated resources items including:

-4 Birthday Cake (AP buff)

-4 Cookie Jar (AP buff)

-6 Red Rocket Coffee Machines (AP buff)

-4 Company Tea Machines (AP buff)

-2 Popcorn Machines

-3 Weenie Wagons

-2 Nuka Cola Mystery Machines

-3 Mothman Eggs

-3 Pemicans

-2 Nuka Cola Candy machines quantum and regular

-4 Vintage Water Cooler

-4 Games Cupboard

-2 Red Rocket Dumpster Collector

-4 budding Apothecary

-5 Butterfly Sanctuary

-2 Mirelark Steamer

-2 Beehive

-1 Caged Rabbit

-2 Chicken Coops

-2 Water Boilers

-2 The Nodding Donkey

-2 Motorized Butter Churn

-2 Turbo Fertilizer

-2 Tree Sap Collector

-1 Brewing Vat

-1 Pack Brahmin

-1 Brahmin Milk Machine

-2 Wood Pile

-1 Ammo Converter Machine

Other super sweet ads like nuclear winter statues, foundry smelter for bloody players,

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute machines including: the antique speed bag, the fortuneteller machine, the arm wrestle machine, the radiation glove box, the boardwalk bonanza pinball machine, sent-o-matic perfume dispenser, exercise, bike, weight bench, West Virginia slot machine, thermin, sacred Mothman tomb

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