898 Holiday Gifts Scrip ( LARGE , MEDIUM & SMAlLL)

3 months ago

Type: Aid
Type: Other
Type: Aid
898Gifts ( 438Holiday Gifts +168 Large Holiday Gifts + 292 Small Holiday Gifts )
You should get the following but you must open gifts slowly (1 every 3 seconds) **DO NOT SPAM OPEN OR YOU WILL GET LESS THAN HALF THE REWARDS***
Roughly 1000 scrip per 100 Large or Regular Holiday Gifts. Small will not drop Scrip
You get the following from Gifts :
Caps, Ammo for Weapon, Holiday Plans, Grenades, Radaway, Stimpaks, Alcohol, Purified Water, Food Items, Junk Scrap, etc
- open gifts slowly with Luck up above 33, equip gun also open inside Rusty Pick
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