🔑🌐Supremacy 1914[steam key]DLC- The Infantry Pack

Receba o item conforme descrito ou seu dinheiro de volta.
Requires the Steam version of Supremacy 1914: World War 1 to run.
10.000 Goldmark Premium Currency
1 Month High Command Benefits
- Mobilization and Construction Queuing
- Enhanced Artillery Fire-Control System
- Enhanced Game Creation Options
- Unit Rally Point Setting
- Multiplayer Shared Intelligence
- Custom News Picture Placement
- Dedicated In-Game High Command Chat
- More Simultaneously Active Matches
Each add-on pack can only be purchased and activated once per Supremacy 1914 account. The fact that you already had the bonuses included in the add-on pack at the time of purchase does not constitute a basis for a refund or refund of the amount paid, so please read the contents of the package prior to purchase.
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