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🟢Online🟢 5 minutes to 1 hour
🟡Away🟡 60 minutes to 8 hours
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20k Metal
10k Vindertech Mechanical Parts
5k Spectral Mineral Powder
100k Rough Ore
40k Brightcore
10k Each | 7 Items Mixed
20k Blast Powder
10k Spectrolite Ore
100x Modded Weapons
100k Nuts and Bolts
10k Bacon
Metal and Stone
5k Carved Twine
40k Nuts and Bolts
20k Nuts and Bolts
10k Efficient Mechanical Parts
10k Adhesive Resin
5k PL 144 Mixed Traps
100k Sunbeam
10k Duct Tape
20k Brightcore
100k Stone
5k Sound Wall
Stone and Metal
40k Rough Ore