Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, 10th Edition (eBook)

Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design has long been the standard textbook for students of mechanical engineering. The 10th edition continues this tradition by providing an updated, comprehensive introduction to the principles and applications of mechanical design. This classic text focuses on the fundamental concepts of design, while incorporating modern approaches and new technologies that are crucial for today’s engineers.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Coverage of Mechanical Engineering Design:
The text introduces students to the basic principles of mechanical design, including material selection, stress analysis, fatigue, and failure criteria. The 10th edition provides a thorough foundation for understanding design decisions and their relationship to industrial standards.
Modern Design Considerations: In addition to classical topics, the new edition emphasizes contemporary design practices, including computer-aided design (CAD), finite element analysis (FEA), and advanced materials used in modern machine components.
Incorporates New Applications and Techniques:
The 10th edition is updated to reflect the latest trends and applications in mechanical engineering, ensuring that students are exposed to cutting-edge techniques and current practices in the field of design.
Design Examples and Case Studies: Numerous real-world examples illustrate how the principles of design are applied in practice. These examples help students understand how to approach complex design problems and arrive at optimal solutions.
Fundamentals and Industrial Standards:
The book strikes a balance between core fundamentals and practical knowledge by offering in-depth discussions of industrial component standards and design methodologies. It equips students with the knowledge necessary to create reliable and efficient designs that meet industrial requirements.
Updated Problem Sets and Exercises:
The 10th edition includes a variety of new problems and exercises that challenge students to apply their understanding of mechanical design concepts. The problems range from straightforward calculations to more complex, open-ended design challenges that encourage critical thinking.
Numerical and Analytical Methods: The text includes step-by-step methods for solving mechanical design problems, making complex topics like stress analysis and fatigue easier to understand.
Clear, Accessible Writing:
Written with clarity and precision, this edition maintains the straightforward approach that has made the book a favorite among instructors and students alike. Key concepts are explained thoroughly, and complex equations are carefully introduced and explained with worked-out examples.
Supplementary Digital Content:
The eBook version includes access to interactive content and resources such as practice problems, formulas, and graphical illustrations to reinforce key concepts and help students visualize mechanical systems and components.
Students can use the interactive problem-solving tools to check their work and deepen their understanding of design challenges.
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