25 Billion Units - PC, XBOX, PS4,PS5

No Man's Sky 25 Billion Units (XBOX, PC, PS4, PS5)
How to get the Units?
1. We will join the same Multiplayer game and meet at the space station. I will need your friend code to join you.
2. I will send you 500 AI Valves. These are the most expensive item in the game and worth 50 Million each.
3. They stack to 5. So you will need 100 free slots but if you don't, you will have to build storage to keep it all.
4. You can only have 4.2 Billion Units in the game at a time. So sell until you reach 4.2 Billion and stop.
5. Store the rest of the AI Valves for later use.
How to get the Friend Code?
When you launch the game go to Multiplayer, Show My No Man's Sky Friend Code
If you have any questions please send me a message.
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