ゲーム アイテム1 Storm Shield Defense (SSD) Carry | Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny Valley, Twine Peaks 1 - 10
1 Storm Shield Defense (SSD) Carry | Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny Valley, Twine Peaks 1 - 10

Get the item as described or your money back.
This listing by Abdulwarrior will get you 1 Storm Shield Defense (SSD) Carry in either Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny Valley or Twine Peaks.
Kindly ignore these tags:
Gr, Traps, Weapons, 1/1, 1 of 1, Custom, Wcc, Fcc, Stone, Brick, Modded, Legacy, Gun Perk, Gp, Rainbow, Godroll, Fire, Nature, Water, Energy, Physical, Candy Drop, 1of1 , De, Bc, CD, HYDRA, GP Spec, Purple, Pc, Argon, Cotton candy, physical, double element, hydra, CUSTOM, Water Candy Corn , Custom , CD WCC , WPL , Wrong Power Level, perk change, Sunbeam, joker, pain train, cdpt , Gun Perk, Spectral Blade, Fortnite, Save the world, ventures, Mission, GUNS, 144s, stw.
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