PL144 Guns

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"50 PL144 Guns
This bundle contains 2 of each PL144 weapon/gun in the image.
This bundle includes:-
2 Candy Corn LMG (Physical)
2 De-Atoomizer 9000 (Energy)
2 Duet (Energy)
2 Earsplittrt (Energy)
2 Blazing Masamune (Fire)
2 Deconstructor (Physical)
2 Drumroll (Water)
2 Nocturno (Energy)
2 QuickShot (Physical)
2 Ghost Pistol (Energy)
2 Grave Digger (Fire)
2 Hydra (Energy)
2 Jack-O-Launcher (Fire)
2 Obliterator (Energy)
2 Plasmatic Discharger (Energy)
2 Primal Rifle (Nature)
2 Primal Stink Bow (Water)
2 Pulsar 9000 (Energy)
2 Siegebreaker (Nature)
2 Spectral Blade (Water)
2 Steam Thrasher (Energy)
2 The Potshot (Physical)
2 Typewriter (Energy)
2 Vacuum Tube Bow (Nature)
2 Xenon Bow (Energy)"
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