Squishmallows Tier 5 Cannon Halloween

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The purchaser of this listing will received 1 x T5 Cannon Squishmallows, traded in Roblox.
Cannon is from the 2022 Halloween event, it is an Exclusive and high value in game. Currently valued with an in game Rec Price of 4.86m, however realistically players can afford to pay 4m Squishbucks. Therefoe the price works to only $13 per 1 million Squishbucks.
To make a tier 5 takes 81 x Tier 1 Cannon , each Tier 1 sells for 60,000 Squihsbucks in the in game market.
The listing is for Digital Items traded to you in Game in Squishmallows on Roblox. No Physical Shipping or items is required
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