Rock Dog (2017) HDX Instant Delivery via Apple TV, Vudu or Google Play

1 Monat ago

Up for sale is the digital HDX code for the 2017 children's film, "Rock Dog," starring the voices of Luke Wilson and Eddie Izzard.
Considering this goes for $9.99 on other digital streaming sites, $2.50 for this is a steal! Don't pass up this deal to get it more than half off and make it part of your digital movie collection forever!
Code redeems on and is redeemable through Apple TV, Vudu or Google Play. Code is delivered immediately after gameflip verifies payment.
Synopsis: For the Tibetan Mastiffs living on Snow Mountain, a dog's life has a simple riff: Guard a peaceful village of wool-making sheep from the thuggish wolf Linnux and his rabid pack. To avoid distractions, Mastiff leader Khampa forbids all music from the mountain. But when Khampa's son Bodi discovers a radio dropped by a passing airplane, it takes just a few guitar licks for his fate to be sealed: Bodi wants to be a rock 'n' roll star.
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