Meat Week New plans 2024

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New rewards (2024) from Meat Week seasonal event. You will receive the following:
1x Plan: Cattle Flour Billboards
1x Plan: Nuka Shank Knife Skin
1x Plan: Swarm of Flies
1x Plan: Wasteland Hunter Backpack
1x Plan: Ground Meat Plushie
1x Plan: Rotted Ground Meat Plushie
1x Plan: Rib Plushie
1x Plan: Rotted Rib Plushie
1x Plan: Steak Plushie
1x Plan: Rotted Steak Plushie
1x Plan: Fossilized Megalonyx Right Arm
1x Plan: Fossilized Megalonyx Left Arm
1x Plan: Weenie Wagon
1x Plan: Fossilized Megalonyx Skull
1x Plan: Fossilized Megalonyx Right Leg
1x Plan: Fossilized Megalonyx Left Leg
1x Plan: Fossilized Megalonyx Torso
1x Plan: Megalonyx Display Rack
Total: 18 plans
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