SpielgegenstandHarrow Prime Ultimate Edition // All Platform + 1 Warframe Slot + 1 Orokin Reactor + 2 Weapon Slot + 3 Forma + All Augment
Harrow Prime Ultimate Edition // All Platform + 1 Warframe Slot + 1 Orokin Reactor + 2 Weapon Slot + 3 Forma + All Augment

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- This order is originally for the PC platform, but you can receive it if you have a Crossave account. (PC/PS/XBOX/NS/iOS/Android)
- Buying this product you will receive: Harrow Prime Set + 1 Warframe Slot + 1 Orokin Reactor + 2 Weapon Slot + 3 Forma + All Augment Mods Max Rank
- To receive this Set you must be MR2 and have 2 trade available.
- Have two-step authentication enabled on your account and be present for delivery
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* Please note: some items may require a certain Mastery Rank or charge a certain amount of in-game Credits as tax. Before you make a purchase, please carefully read the item description and contact the seller if you have any questions.Fragen sind öffentlich und werden von Benutzern gestellt, nicht von Gameflip. Bleiben Sie auf der sicheren Seite, indem Sie keine persönlichen Daten wie Ihren Namen, Zahlungsinformationen und Spielplattformkonten weitergeben.
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