Fortnite: Save the world founders

3 months ago

Fortnite: Save The World founders Standard Edition
Accessibility to Vbuck Missions ( Unlimited via daily quests )
Warpaint and Rose Team Leader
Original Founders Banners and more!
Codes vary between Epic and Microsoft
Q: Does this Work on PS
A: Yes it does just have xbox linked
Q: if i own stw already will it still work
A: yes but you will not receive your vbucks from completed SSDs
Q: I did not receive my skins
A: Play 1 to 3 save the world matches itll populate
Q: does xbox code work on PC/PS
A: yes it does just have the necessary platforms linked to your epic games
Q: does it issue you with founders drumroll
A: No, this is the standard edition not ultimate/deluxe
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