Fallout 76 all magazines 96 and bobblehead collection

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Bobblehead: Agility
Bobblehead: Agility
Bobblehead: Big Guns
Bobblehead: Big Guns
Bobblehead: Caps
Bobblehead: Caps
Bobblehead: Charisma
Bobblehead: Charisma
Bobblehead: Endurance
Bobblehead: Endurance
Bobblehead: Energy Weapons
Bobblehead: Energy Weapons
Bobblehead: Explosive
Bobblehead: Explosive
Bobblehead: Intelligence
Bobblehead: Intelligence
Bobblehead: Leader
Bobblehead: Leader
Bobblehead: Lock Picking
Bobblehead: Lock Picking
Bobblehead: Luck
Bobblehead: Luck
Bobblehead: Medicine
Bobblehead: Medicine
Bobblehead: Melee
Bobblehead: Melee
Bobblehead: Perception
Bobblehead: Perception
Bobblehead: Repair
Bobblehead: Repair
Bobblehead: Science
Bobblehead: Science
Bobblehead: Small Guns
Bobblehead: Small Guns
Bobblehead: Sneak
Bobblehead: Sneak
Bobblehead: Strength
Bobblehead: Strength
Bobblehead: Unarmed
Bobblehead: Unarmed
Astoundingly Awesome Tales
#1 Attack of the Fishmen +15% damage against mirelurks
#2 Drive-In Love Interrupted... Rise of the Mutants! +15% damage against super mutants
#3 Deep Sea Terror! Breathe underwater
#4 Invasion of the Zetans +25% damage with the alien blaster
#5 When Apes Go Bananas!!! "A Gorilla Ate My Patrol Car!" +25% damage with the Cryolator
#6 My Brain and I +0.20% health regeneration
#7 The Man Who Could Stop Time +5 maximum AP
#8 Attack of the Metal Men 25% less damage from robots
#9 Have Dog, Will Travel! +15 Poison Resistance
#10 The Starlet Sniper +15 damage with scoped weapons
#11 Curse of the Burned! +15 damage to ghouls
#12 Giant Insects Invade Disease chance -30%
#13 Rise of the Radiated +30% RadAway effectiveness
#1 Get off my Lawn Extra meat when searching animals
#2 Down Home Cookin' +25% tomahawk damage
#3 Homesteading Horror Crafting weapons cost fewer materials
#4 Hardy as a Sasquatch +50% chance to gain double the yield from plants
#5 Carnivorous rabbits of Appalachia +15% damage to animals
#6 The Appalachia Squirrel Massacre +50% effects from cooked food
#7 Art of the Tomahawk -50% food/drink disease chance
#8 The Gunsmith of Harper's Ferry +30% satisfaction by eating and drinking
#9 The Ohio River Hermit -50% workshop repair cost
#10 Nightmare in the Garden +50% workshop turret damage
Grognak the Barbarian
#1 Blood on the Harp +15% melee damage
#2 Cometh the Trickster 20% harder to detect while sneaking
#3 Jungle of the Bat-Babies +15 Poison Resistance
#4 In the Bosom of the Corsair Queen +100 critical damage with melee weapons
#5 Demon Slaves, Demon Sands +15% damage to Scorched creatures
#6 Enter Maula: War Maiden of Mars -75% weight of melee weapons
#7 Fatherless Cur! Melee weapons lose condition 50% slower
#8 Lost in the Snows of Lust Damage Resistance +2
#9 The Lair of the Virgin Eaters +10 Carry Weight
#10 What Sorcery This? +15 Energy Resistance
Guns and Bullets
#1 The Future of Hunting? +15% damage against robots
#2 Lasers & Hunting: Acceptable Overkill +100% critical damage with laser weapons
#3 Little guns for little ladies +100% critical damage with ballistic guns
#4 Street Guns of Detroit +6% AP regeneration
#5 Avoid Those Pesky Gun Laws! More components when scrapping weapons
#6 The Moon: A Communist Doomsday Device?! +10 Damage Resistance at night
#7 Take Aim, Army Style +10% damage with guns without scopes
#8 Bear Proofing Your Campsite: Don't Get Caught +15% damage against yao guai
#9 Plasma: The Weapon of Tomorrow +100% critical damage with plasma weapons
#10 Guide to Hunting Commies! +15% damage against Liberators
Live & Love
#1 Life Long Best Friends! +10 maximum health when in a team
#2 Nuke-the-Man! +5% damage when in a team
#3 Trim the Fat! Heal 50% more from eating vegetables and fruits
#4 The Secretary Charmer +10% AP regeneration when in a team
#5 Talk Yourself Sober +2 Luck under the influence of alcohol
#6 Advice From Married Men +10 Damage Resistance when in a team
#7 Beware the Man Handler +10 maximum AP when in a team
#8 An Experience to Remember +5% more XP when in a team
#9 I Married a Robot Take 25% less damage from robots
Scouts' Life
#1 Purifying the Wilderness 30% less radiation from eating and drinking
#2 Natural Mosquito Repellants 25% less damage from insects
#3 Packing for the Trail +10 carry capacity
#4 Hang in there! Twice the normal bleedout time before dying
#5 Identifying Rabies and Other Diseases 80% less likely to catch diseases from combat
#6 Healthy Hiking: Endurance Become hungry and thirsty 30% more slowly
#7 The Animal Whisperer 25% less damage from animals
#8 Long Haul Sprinter Sprint AP costs -20%
#9 Campfire: Special Edition Placing a camp costs 80% fewer caps
#10 Maintaining Your Gear -30% item condition loss
Tales from the West Virginia Hills
(Astonishing Tales)
#1 Curse of the Wendigo +15% damage against Wendigos
#2 The Mothman Cometh! +15% damage against Mothmen
#3 The Beast of Grafton +15% damage against Grafton Monster
#4 Sideshow Snallygaster +15% damage against Snallygaster
#5 Who goes there? The strange encounter in Flatwoods +15% damage against Flatwoods Monster
Tesla Science Magazine
#1 Will robots rule the world? -25% damage from robots
#2 What Is Plasma, Anyway? -25% plasma damage taken
#3 Rocket Science for Toddlers Explode Radius +30
#4 Blast Off to Adventure! +15% fusion core duration
#5 Giant Super Weapons -20% heavy weapon ammo consumption
#6 Geckos and Gamma Radiation: The Key to Prolonged Life? +15 Rad Resist
#7 U.S. Army Goes to Space +100% energy gun critical damage
#8 10 Number 1 Hits!!! +50% critical damage
#9 Future of Warfare? Heavy gun critical damage +100%
Tumblers Today
#1 Bobby Pins - More Effective Than Lockpicks? Lockpicking "sweet spot" +20%
#2 Confessions of a Housebreaker Find extra bobby pins in bobby pin boxes
#3 Open Any Lock in 5 Seconds Flat Pick locks of 1 higher tier
#4 Locksmith Certification Special - Pass with Flying Colors Bobby pins are unbreakable
#5 Mysteries of the Master Key Exposed! Lock picking "sweet spot" +20%
U.S. Covert Operations Manual
#1 Whistling in the dark +10 Damage Resistance while sneaking
#2 Urban camouflage Hide 50% better in full light
#3 Facepaint Fundamentals -10% damage from players
#4 Not the Soldiers You're Looking For Damage vs. players +10%
#5 Who Goes There? Perception +1
#6 Squeaky floorboard, sudden death Make 50% less noise while sneaking
#7 Getting the drop on the Communists -50% enemy player VATS accuracy
#8 Bushes, Boxes, and Beehives: Camouflage special +25% unarmed and knife damage
#9 Look Better in Black Stealth Boy duration +50%
#10 Tiptoe through the tulips Agility +1
#1 De-Capitalists +5% chance to avoid damage
#2 Who Can Stop The Unstoppable Grog-Na-Rok?! +20% chance to avoid damage from Scorched
#3 Commie-Kazi vs. Manta Man +30% chance to avoid damage from explosions
#4 Trapped in the Dimension of the Pterror-dactyls! +30% chance to avoid melee damage
#5 Visit the Ux-Ron Galaxy! +30% chance to avoid energy damage
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