Corel WordPerfect Office Standard 2021 (Windows) - One Time Payment

2 months ago

Make an impression by creating high-quality documents, presentations, and detailed spreadsheets with WordPerfect Office Standard from Corel. This retail mini-box includes a digital download key for access to the full WordPerfect Standard office suite for Windows, which includes WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, Presentations, WordPerfect Lightning, WordPerfect eBook Publisher, and AfterShot 3. WordPerfect includes a host of new and updated features, including Oxford Concise Dictionary integration, improved Microsoft Office compatibility, better access to document statistics, and more. You can further enhance your reports, brochures, eBooks, and slide shows using AfterShot 3 to quickly edit digital photographs before inserting them into your documents. Other features include over 900 TrueType fonts, more than 10,000 clipart images, and access to over 300 templates to enhance your productivity.
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