Chocorpokkur Whistle [Mount] DLC - Final Fantasy XIV Online Mog Station Key

3 months ago

The code cannot be redeemed on a Free Trial account - Cannot be redeemed on FINAL FANTASY XIV accounts for the Korean or Chinese versions.
To redeem your code:
- Log into the FF14 Mog Station with the same Square Enix account you play on.
- Click the ‘Registration Codes’ tab on the left-hand side. Select ‘Enter Item Code’.
- Enter your code, and follow the on-screen instructions, including selecting the correct character you wish to associate the items with.
- Once that's done, you'll receive an in-game letter with a flute that adds the Chocorpokkur mount to your FF14 account.
- Visit a Delivery Moogle in-game to claim the Chocorpokkur Whistle.
- Click on the Chocorpokkur Whistle in your inventory and select "Use" to unlock the Chocorpokkur mount in FF14.
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