Apparel | Strangler Heart PA Set
1 year ago
Apparel | Strangler Heart PA SetPower
Armor Based on Ultracite version for mods and skins.
Acid Bonus Set effect: When using whole set, adds a flat splash acid DMG to enemies and nearby enemies.(similar than the explosive effect). (Both efects can be used at the same time)
Acid Bonus Set effect Visuals: Create a greenish acid fog around the enemies being attacked.
• Sensor Array (Increases Perception)
• Emergency Protocols (speed increases by 25% and all incoming damage is halves when one's hit points drop below 20%.)
• Jet Pack (Enable boost jump assist)
• Optimized Bracers (Reduces AP cost for Power Attacks)
• Calibrated Shocks (Increases Carry Weight capacity + 50ea)
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