🏁 Resource CAMP

3 months ago

⛺️ Resource CAMP (Xbox) - information below 👇
*Must have a 0% store camp slot available!
Process only takes 10 minutes or less.
(There are roughly 5+ or more of each resource generator)
[ ] 4 Active Allies (Joey, Sofia Daguerre, Adelaide, Yasmin)
[ ] Cookie Jar
[ ] Coffee Machine
[ ] Company Tea Machine
[ ] Sacred Mothman Tome
[ ] Theremin
[ ] Armco Ammunition Generator
[ ] Nuka-Cola Candy Machine
[ ] Nuka-Cola Quantum Candy Machine
[ ] Nuka-Cola Mystery Machine
[ ] Weenie Wagon
[ ] Budding Apothecary
[ ] Butterfly Sanctuary
[ ] The Nodding Donkey
[ ] Fusion Core Charger
[ ] Turbo-Fert Fertilizer Collector
[ ] Hollywood Popcorn Machine
[ ] Regular Popcorn Machine
[ ] Pemmican Collector
[ ] Caged Rabbit
[ ] Motorized Butter Churn
[ ] Wood Pile
[ ] Beehive
[ ] Birthday Cake
[ ] Mothman Nest
[ ] Brahman Milk Machine
[ ] Water Boilers
[ ] Blue Ridge Vendor Bot Machine
[ ] Mirelurk Steamer
[ ] Nuka-Cola Cryo-Freezer
[ ] S.P.E.C.I.A.L Boosters
[ ] Autopsy Chemistry Table
[ ] Nukashine Fermentor/Brewing Station
[ ] Thanksgiving Displays
[ ] Iceglo Refrigerated Display Case
[ ] Witches Cauldron Station
[ ] Halloween Fog Machine
[ ] Casino Roulette Table
[ ] Casino Slots
[ ] Casino Dice Table
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