Spielgegenstand[Legendary Power Armor] Unyielding Sentinel Ultracite Power Armor[5/5 AP Refresh] [Jetpack Arm]
[Legendary Power Armor] Unyielding Sentinel Ultracite Power Armor[5/5 AP Refresh] [Jetpack Arm]

3 months ago

[PC] ☑️Specify your Bethesda Username in order details. I will add you as friends (please accept my friend request). You will come to me for an item. After receiving the item, please confirm the delivery.
✔️The screenshot is taken with level 1 character, so no perks, nothing. This is the base damage, you will at least double the amount of damage with the perks.
⏳ Please read the description carefully. If you have any questions, ask before buying!
⏰If I'm offline or not responding, it means I'm either AFK or sleeping at the moment. Please be patient, I will get back with you as soon as possible.
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