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我们回来了 准备好与 Gameflip 一起迎接精彩的 2024 年吧

我们回来了 准备好与 Gameflip 一起迎接精彩的 2024 年吧

Mike A.Mike A.General
20242 minute read

欢迎回来,Gameflip 社区!

您可能已经注意到,圣诞节后的一周 Gameflip 博客有点安静。

是的,我们花了一些时间来放松,与家人团聚,并回味 2023 年是多么美好的一年。感谢 Gameflip 社区和像您这样狂热的博客读者,我们去年取得了如此多的成就,我们已经准备好回来,让 2024 年变得更大更好!

Like a fighter getting ready for their next match, Gameflip is preparing for big things. (Image Source: Dylan Nolte on Unsplash.com)

Like a fighter getting ready for their next match, Gameflip is preparing for big things. (Image Source: Dylan Nolte on Unsplash.com)

In case you're curious, we had a total of 16 giveaways last year, through which a total of 196 members of the Gameflip community walked away with something awesome. We also had our biggest discount code ever, which helped many more community members save even more money on our already low prices.

It's not common for companies of our size to experience this kind of resounding, unmitigated success, but that's exactly what we had in 2023. Any of the small mishaps or shenanigans that managed to slip in through the cracks were noted and dealt with, of course, but they also acted as lessons for us. It can be easy for things to get out of hand when you're riding high, but it's important to keep a level head and remember why we do what we do.

We know gamers have plenty of other choices when it comes to finding video game deals on the internet. That's why we always put our customers and their experience first, by making sure every transaction is a complete success and making sure we always have the best deals on popular games. As long as we keep sharpening our services and keep our marketplace stocked with happy community members who are ready to sell games and gift cards at the best prices, you won't need to look for more options — and that's what we're counting on.

We've been cultivating the site over the break. (Image Source: CHU TAI on Unsplash.com)

我们在休息时间一直在培育这个网站。(图片来源:CHU TAI on Unsplash.com)

这就是 Gameflip 在 2024 年继续发展的方式。


我们仍将一如既往地提供 PC、PlayStation、Xbox 和任天堂游戏优惠,以及我们值得信赖的各种零售商礼品卡,但我们也在想方设法扩大我们的产品范围,让我们的客户和社区参与进来--想方设法在您每次访问我们时都能创造难忘的在线体验。

我们希望 Gameflip 成为您准备购物时第一个想到的名字,我们正在想方设法让您每次访问或搜索 Gameflip 市场时都能再次光顾。

在未来几周内,我们将与您分享更多相关信息,但请务必留意 Gameflip 博客,了解所有最新消息和娱乐内容。此外,请务必在XRedditInstagramFacebook 上关注我们,因为您永远不知道我们会通过社交网络分享什么...


See you next time!

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